Asparagus and Cheese Soup



750 g fresh asparagus 2 onions, thinly sliced 1 litre stock 3 tablespoons olive oil 125 g cream cheese Salt Pepper


Place the oil and onion in a microwaveable dish. Cook uncovered for 3-4 minutes at 750 W. Cut off the asparagus tips and set aside. Cut the asparagus spears into 5 cm slices, making sure you discard the woody end, and combine with the onion. Cook uncovered for 5 minutes at 750 W. Add the stock, cover, and cook for a further 15-20 minutes at 500 W, stirring from time to time. Stir in the cream cheese and blend until you are left with a smooth creamy mixture. Add the asparagus tips. Heat at 750 W for 5-6 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper

An extra special touch:

If you like the flavour, when you add the asparagus tips you may also sprinkle in two tablespoons of dill.

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